
Type: function
Sign ApiRequest using Oauth1 using the specified key, secret, and algorithm, along with token and tokenKey, returning a new ApiRequest with a header that has the name provided in the authHeader arg. The following algorithms are supported: HmacMD5, HmacSHA1, HmacSHA256, HmacSHA384, and HmacSHA512. However, in the event that the upstream systme requires a specific named algorithm to be used, you can override the name of the algorithm passed in the message, even though the algorithm specified in the arguments here is actually what will be used to sign the request.


  apiRequest, // ApiRequest
  key, // String
  secret, // String
  algorithm, // String
  overridenAlgorithm, //String
  authHeader, // String
  token, // Option[String]
  tokenSecret, // Option[String]
) {...}

